
Done by Adrian Williams for the first anniversary of Splinebomb
Done by Adrian Williams for the first anniversary of Splinebomb

I’d just like to take a minute to talk about SplineBomb. Splinebomb started exactly a year ago, by ninja animator, and top guy Matt Bugeja – it’s a website that he updates everyday on new and upcoming animation – which is pretty amazing!

The ‘About’ section states that “It ‘s (a site that) provides all the latest information related to the animation industry including movie trailers, tutorials and loads more…”

It was only a few months back, that I had the pleasure of working and sitting next to Matt over in Brown Bag Films, where I learned that it was him that was behind this amazing site. I quickly began sharing some links with him, which, in turn, made Matt make me an Admin for the site, which was a huge privilege  – being able to share animation news on one of the best, and most active industry sites out there.

Since then, the site has grown immensely. We’re super active, posting everything we find relevant, and we meet up online to discuss how we can expand, and enhance SplineBomb.

My current contribution is that every Monday, I write an article on the history of animation, titled ‘Chronicles of Animation‘ – which is something I’m personally really passionate about, as I love going back in time to learn more about things. It’s getting a really positive response over on Facebook and Twitter, which I’m really happy about.

SplineBomb continues to grow, as Matt has recruited some more people to help post, and to write product reviews on the site. If you’d like to get involved, please ‘like’ us on the Facebook  and follow on Twitter: @SplineBomb – we’d love to hear from you folks!

Stay tuned, as we’re just about to announce some epic news really soon.

Huge thanks to Matt for letting me help out with SplineBomb, I’m having a great time with it, and ‘here’s to another great year!’

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