Farewell ‘ye old blog


As I’ve got myself this brand new shinny new Blog, and I’m really liking everything about it thus far, I’ve decided to delete my first ever blog. It was a fun blog, and because I was in the Animation Mentor Webring, I always got traffic to it, there was my stills and some animation from my first couple of Terms, but as the Terms got harder, I didn’t manage to update it as often as I would have liked, and  now, as I don’t go there at all anymore, I’ve decided to delete the whole thing. The stills that were on the blog are stuff up on my (very) outdated website – they wont be missed.

The Blogger Site

At least it gave me a good start into the Blogging World.

‘Mynyddoedd Cymru’ Test Banner


I’m in the process of designing a website for our walking group up in Snowdonia, North Wales. Here are a couple of designs I’ve come up with so far:

These will be banners for different sections of the website. We’re still looking for a proper name for the group – ‘Mynyddoedd Cymru’ simply means ‘Welsh Mountains’ – but we want something that will stand out and be cool. If anyone can think of something good – please feel free to post it in the comments section.

The first is a combination of my two panoramas – Cwm Dyli and  ‘Winter on Cnicht‘.




For our mountain walking club back home in Wales, I’ve been playing around with the idea of creating a T-Shirt inspired by a Raven, and the sounds it makes, which a friend nailed it by saying ‘Cronc’. I am really fond of Ravens, mainly because they’re always flying around your head when you’re up on the Welsh Hills, and I recently learned an interesting fact about them, that Vikings used to carry them in their boats – or Drakkar, because, apparently, Ravens can’t land on water. So, whenever the jolly old Vikings used to head off to find new land, they would release the Raven from it’s cage, the Raven would shot up to the sky – had a good look around, and search for land. If it couldn’t see land, it would simply land back on the Dakkar, or if it did see land it would fly towards it, and the Vikings would follow, and discover new land. Very good those Vikings were I tell thee.

So, here’s my first play at the design;

Cronc - T-Shirt Design

The mountain in the background is Tryfan. If anyone has any comments, please feel free to throw some my way. I hope this T-Shirt works, I’ve got in touch with a friend who has an awesome company back home in Wales – Peris & Corr – an eco-friendly screen printing and textiles company, enquiring if it’s possible etc, so stay tuned to see how this one turns out!