Dyffryn Nantlle

As I’m currently back in Wales, every evening I try to head on out to the mountains with my camera, to have a break from my computer. Here’s a couple I’ve taken this last week:

Llyn Nantlle

Yr olygfa o dop Mynydd Mawr

The first is of the fantastic Llyn Nantlle. I was really lucky to capture this – after driving like a fool in the new van to try and capture the great contrast between the mountains and the skies, I only took one photo, and the sun sank really fast behind the clouds, and after hanging around for a good 30 mins, there was no sign of it ever coming back. But I was really happy with the result.

The second if the view from the summit of my favorite mountain – Mynydd Mawr, looking over towards the Nantlle Ridge. The lake from which the first image is taken from can be seen in the Valley below.