Cwm Dyli – a panorama


I love looking through iPhoto on my iMac, and by doing so – I find some nice images that I haven’t yet stitched together to form a panorama. This one dates back to the end of August last year, a 7 photo stitch of Cwm Dyli, a trek of the Snowdon Horseshoe we did over the summer.

Cwm Dyli, Snowdon Horseshoe

Turned out quite nicely me thinks, I love the mood of the photograph. Good times.

Night Photography

Hello :)

Last night, I went for a wee night walk up Moel Eilio, with the intention of taking some pictures of the moon, as it was a blasting full moon. The walk itself was quite nice, a little bit of snow still up there, so I had some fun in it.

I experimented a bit with different settings etc at the top, and manage to take a few nice shots of the skyline;

Glyderau, Snowdon and the Moon

The moon was extremely powerful, and it was a brilliantly crisp night. I noticed, as I look over the sea that I could see the street lights of the East coast of Ireland, probably Wicklow. I’ve never seen them like this before, and the long exposure of the shot really captured it well me thinks.

Irish lights (Pic for Regi xo)

It was a good walk out, must do it again soon!