Y Glyderau

Over New Years, we headed to Wales, as stretch our legs and walk up in the snowy mountains. Here’s a few photos that I took from the tops of Y Glyderau, the first from Castell y Gwynt, looking towards Glyder Fawr, the second from our ascent – looking over towards the epic Snowdon Horseshoe, and the last as we were heading down Bwlch Dwyglydion, with Llyn Cwmffynon at the bottom. Fantastic day out in the snowy Welsh mountains.

Castell y Gwynt

Bedol Y Wyddfa

Bwlch Dwyglydion - Y Glyderau

Cwm Idwal, Snowdonia. A Few Panoramas.

Towards the end of 2010, I headed back home to Wales from London for a nice long weekend to see my friends and family, and to go walking a wee bit. (And to test out my new kit!)

On a chilly and windy day, I headed up to Cwm Idwal to walk up the beautiful hanging valley with Neil, John and Del the dog.

We only did a quick loop on this run, starting from the Idwal Cottages below, heading into the Cwm itself, round the lake and up towards Clogwyn y Geifr, from there we headed straight up Y Garn, and down the path that leads towards the Pinnacle Crag, doing a nice tidy loop of the valley.

Whilst ontop of Y Garn, we almost nearly had a full cloud inversion, but the clouds quickly disbursed, but the view towards Snowdon was fantastic.

Here’s a collection of Panoramas taken on the trek:

Cwm Idwal. Tryfan, Glyder Fach, Glyder Fawr. Snowdonia, North Wales
Snowdon Inversion, taken from Y Garn
Cwm Idwal, looking towards Glyder Fawr & Castell y Geifr
God Rays, Cwm Idwal
Climbing in Cwm Idwal

Ben Nevis, a Winter panorama


I had a chance to go back up to Scotland with a few friends from work to do some walking in the fresh snow that’s just been dumped up there. Whilst on top of Carn Dearg Medhonach, I managed to squeeze in this panorama of Ben Nevis, Carn Mor Dearg, a bit of the CMD Arete, and Fort William down the bottom:

Ben North Face, taken from Carn Dearg Med

It was a lovely day, got to use my crampons and Ice axe, which is always fun! Stay tuned for more pics from the Scottish Winter adventure! c

Nantlle Ridge, a panorama


I spent a lovely weekend back home in North Wales, out everyday on the Hills, and catching up with friends. I managed to catch some sun, and got sunburned – in October!! – and take some pictures, as I do. I’ve got quite a lot to stitch together, but here’s one I’ve just completed.

Snowdonia, taken from Nantlle Ridge

The image is taken from Craig Cwm Silyn, a part of the Nantlle Ridge, looking along towards Tal-y-Mignedd, with the ridge connecting to Trum y Ddysgl swooping to the right. Snowdon Massif i sitting quietly in the centre-right of the image, with the Glyderau disappearing into the distance.

It was a lovely day out on the hills. Stay tuned for more images!

Llyn Bochlwyd (Lake Australia) – Cwm Idwal


I took this image at the beginning of last year, when I was getting back into Mountain walking. We were hiking up Tryfan, the weather was glorious, and we had a big group. We stopped here for a wee break, and I started snapping away. Here’s the result of a 12 photo stitch:

Llyn Bochlwyd - Australia Lake, Cwm Idwal

Llyn Bochlwyd, or Lake Australia got it’s name because if viewed from a vantage point on Tryfan, it looks pretty close to the shape of Australia, which is pretty cool. It’s located right in the heart of Cwm Idwal, in the Cwm below Castell Y Gwynt, above Llyn Idwal.  It offers a really beautiful panorama of the Glyderau, and all the way to the coast to the North.

Tiss a nice spot.

Welsh Panoramas


Over the weekend I headed up home to North Wales for the weekend. It was a lovely wee break – I got to hang out with my lovely friends, and walk out in the Mountains. It was nice escaping the busy life that is London, but I was quite shocked to see so many people out and about walking in Snowdonia.

I took my camera with me, and managed to take a few epic panoramas of the views from the Glyderau:

Glyder Fawr
Dyffryn Ogwen

The first is the view of Tryfan, the second is of Glyder Fawr with the Snowdon Horeshoe in the background, and the third is looking down Dyffryn Ogwen/Nant Ffrancon.

Good times. I have set up an online shop – I’m just about to branch out into the different options of printing these bad boys out, figuring out what the best way of doing it – so if you fancy placing an order for any of my photographs, please feel free to contact me, and I will direct you to my online shop once I have it open to the public.


Cnicht Winter Panorama


We had an awesome Winter in Wales in 2009. Really awesome snow, which made walking in the Mountains a fantastic experience. I managed to take this panorama from the summit of Cnicht a couple of days after Christmas.

Gaeaf ar Cnicht / Winter on Cnicht

This beast is stitched together from 12 photographs. I’m really happy with the result, apart from the ghosting effect on the rocks, far right of the image, which I will address in the next pass of cleaning up the image. Snowdon and his friends are on the left hand side of the photo.

I’m getting really into Photo-stitching  at the minute. I’m about to make my prints for sale through an on-line shop, so keep an eye out – I’ll be ‘going live’ in a few days I imagine.